Doing Data Science to Do Good

The Data Science for the Public Good initiative leverages cutting-edge public policy analytics and unprecedented data access to serve as a resource to identify, visualize, and understand how data science can be used for the public good.

“We aren’t just doing data science, we’re also preparing a new generation to support social issues, and we’re bringing the discussion to other like-minded individuals and members of the community.”

Advancing Economic Mobility

A partnership of five universities—the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, Iowa State University, and Oregon State University—is piloting an initiative that utilizes data science to unravel complex, community challenges and advance economic mobility across Virginia, Iowa, and Oregon with the help of our Data Science for the Public Good Young Scholars program

Research Spotlight

Skilled Technical Workforce: Demand, Supply, and Pathways: People in positions that require a high level of technical knowledge, but not a college education, are part of the skilled technical workforce. Having workers in these positions is critical to the success of the American economy. The variety of various skill formation pathways for the skilled technical workforce in Virginia is explored through the evaluation of local job markets, current workforce characteristics, and training opportunities.


Requests for additional information on the data
or technical questions can be directed to Masoud Nosrati

Iowa State University
East Hall, Public Science Collaborative
Ames, Iowa, 50011